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Starwars Combine

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Illustrious Member Admin

The Star Wars Combine is a free massively multiplayer online role-playing simulation game based on the Star Wars Universe, developed by amateurs in their spare time. This sentence summarises the concept behind this project, and great care must be taken with each and every word.

The Star Wars Combine is an online game. Its purpose is to bring fun to the players by offering them a universe that they may immerse themselves in and forget, for a while, their real lives.

The Star Wars Combine is massive. Its purpose is to welcome and gather thousands of players inside the same game, creating an extremely rich gaming environment. The multitude of players generates an unlimited quantity of interactions between them.

The Star Wars Combine is about role-playing. When playing the Combine, the end-users are not only playing an avatar inside the universe; but also they are investing a part of themselves into what they would dream to be if they were living in the Star Wars universe.

The Star Wars Combine is a simulation. A simulation is the partial implementation of existing mechanisms, from physics to economy, including politics, engineering, logic, and even socialization.

The Combine is about Star Wars. The Combine is developed by Star Wars fans, for Star Wars fans. The purpose is to provide a Star Wars universe where fans may dream.

The Star Wars Combine is a free game. Free for the end-users, free for the players, but this does not mean the Combine does not have to face financial charges. There are costs associated to such a project: financial costs as well as time investments.

Finally, the Combine is developed by amateurs during their spare time. The entire project is only developed as side activity by some Star Wars fans. This particularity will have to be taken into consideration during the development phase.

The Combine is a free online massively role-playing simulation game, based in the Star Wars universe, developed by amateurs in their spare time. This sentence already generated a full page of concepts. However there is more behind the Combine. Many other concepts derive directly from what sounded like a simple sentence at first.

De website is

Hoe het werkt nog geen idee maar hopelijk komen we er met z'n alle achter 🙂

Ik heb nog wat problemen met de Character Creation want mij Handle wordt steeds afgewezen.

Topic starter Posted : 30/07/2013 10:53 am
Illustrious Member Admin

Character Creation FAQ

In order to play in the Combine, you will need something, or rather somebody, to play it with. This will be your character. It will represent YOU in the fantasy world of this simulation game. When you create your character, you will be able to distribute points according to what "level of importance" you will give your "Skill Groups."

This may sound pretty complicated to those of you who have never seen the system. The following steps will explain how this is done before you go off to try it yourself. Remember that you will not be able to change your character once it is finished and added to the game.

There are four steps to creating your very own and special character:

Select your handle.
Select the race you want.
Select your "Skill Groups" in order of importance.
Distribute your assigned Skill Points.

It is strongly suggested that you try out various combinations, perhaps even make a fictional character on paper before making a real one. You might do something wrong, or when you play, you might want to change. Now, since changing your character is not an option once you begin playing, this first step is possibly the most important one you will make in this simulation!

2.1/ Select Handle

Note Handle approval could take up to 24 hours.

Your handle must include both a first name and a last name. You must respect the following criteria:

You must capitalise the first letter of all names:


Forbidden: luke night, peter smith, ...
Allowed: Luke Night, Peter Smith, ...

You may not include any title or rank in your handle:


Forbidden: "Darth", " Sir"," Dr", "Admiral", "Princess", ...

You may not use the name or last name of an existing Star Wars character:


Forbidden: Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Zuckuss, Mara Jade, Steven Skywalker, Carl Solo, Jack Maul, ...
BUT you may use an existing first name with a name:
Allowed: Luke Night, Han Jones, ...

You may not use the name of an existing character in a different universe:


Forbidden: Alfred Bester, Frodo Baggins, Beverly Crusher, ...

You may not include any special character or number in your handle:


Forbidden: " $ % = / * _ + .0 1 2 ... 9 or whatever
Allowed: the blank space, ' and - are allowed: Luke Night, R'ad Boy, Peter-Notting Hill

You may not have a handle that does not sound like a name:


Forbidden: "Imthebest", "AttAcK", "hhhhhh","Killer X", "Blood Raven", ...

You may not have a handle that closely resembles that of another player:


Forbidden: Horly Cyan, Jessi James, Vodo Bonnias, Toggan Jano, Roy Starkiler
BUT you may use the surname of another player if that player or family head sends their consent via support.
Allowed: Luke Night, James Night, Peter Smith, Anna Smith

You must use a full first and last name:

Forbidden: Mewkewbacca, Lankguss, Nekara, Qaaien

You may not have a handle that closely resembles that of a famous real life person or organisation:

Forbidden: George Lucas, Dalt Wisney, Micro Soft

The Combine Administration reserves the right to decline handles that they deem inappropriate for the game.


All proposed handles not following these criteria will be automatically declined!!

If you need help, try this random name generator for ideas. Be aware that this should only be used as a guide, as some name combinations generated will not be suitable for your application. Please ensure that your chosen handle conforms to all of the handle rules.


The Star Wars Combine Administration may request your handle be changed in circumstances which cannot be avoided. Examples include where your in-game handle does not meet the criteria required of a PG-13 game.
2.2/ Protected Handles

You may not use the surname of an established in-character family.
To be passed with a family name, a representative of the family must contact a member of the Join Team on your behalf or send their consent via support. "Common" surnames cannot be protected by this rule and will be passed regardless of familial consent. Example
"Common" surnames: Smith, Kim, Lee, Hawk, Brown, Park, Shepard.
"Protected" surnames: Ismay, Tylger.
The Join team currently consists of the following players:
Euna Miriel; Jevon Lambright; Pozz Umgee; Syn; Teyacapan Quetzalxochitl; Cael Graigan

2.3/ Handle Changes

If your handle meets one of the following criteria, your handle will meet the conditions that is required for a handle change.
Criteria for a valid handle change are:

If handle has a inappropriate meaning in another language
If handle is not a name (example: _avatar_ or Killer Raven)
If handle does not have a last name (example: Quaxo or Anti-Tarkin)
If handle does not start with a capital letter (example: falcon)
If handle is the players real life name (example: Alex Smith)
If handle is an improper name (contains titles, numbers or other abnormalities) (example: Lady Dyvel or Count Uebles)
If handle is canon

The Administration has the final say in a handle change. If they deem a handle change is not needed, another Administrator will not change your handle

Topic starter Posted : 30/07/2013 11:10 am
Illustrious Member Admin

Mijn Handle: Enitram Solar

Faction: You have a join request currently pending for Rebel Alliance.

Topic starter Posted : 30/07/2013 1:24 pm
Famed Member

En als Bold Snatchdude je Handle beoordeeld dan moet je nog rekening houden dat je Handle moet klinken als een naam.

[ Post made via iPhone ]

Posted : 30/07/2013 1:26 pm
Illustrious Member Admin

Faction : je kan een huidige faction joinen zoals Rebel Alliance, etc of je kan er zelf 1 oprichten. ( 5 members nodig )

Buiten de naam die je wilt gebruiken moet je ook aan geven tot welke catagorie deze faction behoort:


* Paramilitary
* Production
* Services

Binnen de catagorie kan je aangeven tot welke type de catagorie behoort:

Paramilitary type:

* Bounty Hunters
* Mercenaries
* Pirates

Production type:

* Droids
* Items
* Medical
* Mining
* Recycling
* Ships
* Vehicles

Services type:

* Information
* Religion
* Trading

Verder moet je de volgende zaken kiezen:

* Faction HQ
* Starting Capital
* Faction Information

Als we zo ver zijn wat voor soort Faction zou jij willen?

Topic starter Posted : 30/07/2013 1:51 pm
Famed Member

Mercenaries of iets in production.

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Posted : 30/07/2013 4:21 pm
Famed Member

Er wordt wel geadviseerd om een faction te joinen. Blijkbaar is het in het begin vrij lastig om vooruit te komen. Als je lid bent van een faction dan heb je wat broodnodige hulp van anderen.

[ Post made via iPhone ]

Posted : 30/07/2013 4:23 pm
Illustrious Member Admin

Ja ik heb mezelf opgegeven voor de Rebel Alliance (tijdelijk) mochten we zelf los willen gaan 🙂

Topic starter Posted : 30/07/2013 4:35 pm
Famed Member

En in welke categorie zitten die?

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Posted : 30/07/2013 4:56 pm
Illustrious Member Admin

Information ::)

Misschien van Faction wisselen hehe

Topic starter Posted : 30/07/2013 10:16 pm
Illustrious Member Admin

Je kan SWCombine als Icon krijgen op je iPad/Iphone door van de website een Bladwijzer te maken.
Geen idee of het ook kan met Androids.

Topic starter Posted : 31/07/2013 11:13 am
Famed Member

Nice. Dat werkt. Thanks

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Posted : 31/07/2013 11:37 am
Famed Member

Handige beginners guide link

Onder ander.....

Many newcomers get discouraged by how long things take in the Combine. You have to keep in mind that this is a real time game. Most activity in the actual game consists of clicking a button and waiting a while for that action to complete.

Walking around a city can take a few hours. Piloting a vehicle around a planet can take a day. Travelling across the galaxy will take several days to a couple of weeks, and that's assuming you have a fast ship.

So what do you do in the meantime?
- Get some basic training
- Chat on the IRC
- Join a faction and start reading the faction's forums
- Get involved in a "White Scenerio"
- Start familiarizing yourself with the Darkness

Posted : 31/07/2013 2:19 pm
Noble Member

Dit lijkt me niet iets om eens lekker een zondag avondje te gaan questen... zeker niet met onze STA maners: "Oeps... ik ben mijn armor vergeten.... ben er weer over een weekje of drie!" ;D

Posted : 31/07/2013 4:07 pm
Famed Member

Hahaha nee niet echt inderdaad. Wat misschien wel leuk is, is om in het begin het spel via TS met elkaar te ontdekken. Vooral de wat complexere dingen als production ed.
Verder is het vooral het plannen van een aantal acties, fora lezen en IRC chat.

[ Post made via iPhone ]

Posted : 31/07/2013 5:06 pm
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