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Elite: Dangerous ontwikkelingen

Noble Member

Uit de Nieuwsbrief #60

Verbeteringen op het vlak van de gemeenschap in de komende upgrade...

Getting To The Point
Our Point One update rolls out to Beta players on February 3, which means new features, new looks and some recognition for all the explorers charting the Milky Way.

From here on out, the first Commander to discover a new star system will be credited for their pioneering work with a permanent “Discovered By” credit on the galaxy map. We’re even applying the credit for discoveries in the two months since Gamma.

It’s another way to make a permanent mark on the Elite: Dangerous galaxy, and it’s not alone. One of the new Community Goals will task players with sourcing materials for the construction of a Federation or Imperial capital ship. Successful completion of the goal will mean a new, named vessel out among the stars, and the player who transports and donates the most material will have the honor of choosing its name – subject to approval of course.

Better make it a good one. Nobody’s breaking a champagne bottle on the hull of the Imperial Interdictor Jar Jar.

Another Community Goal will see players scout out viable locations for a new starport, and work together to transport the vast amount of material needed to see the starport constructed week by week in-game.

En verder.... Piraterij, Bounty hunters, Spionnen, Franse opstandelingen rond Lave, en discounts op GalNET.

Topic starter Posted : 31/01/2015 2:58 am