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Patch Topic

Illustrious Member Admin

Thx to Dash

Patch 1.01
Patch Notes
Classes and Combat
Combat Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug that could cause the global cooldown to display incorrectly in the UI.

Imperial Agent


The tooltip for Acid Blade now displays the correct information.

Companion Characters

Kira Carson

Fixed an issue that could cause Kira’s affection progression to become blocked.

Bug Fixes

Companion Character dialogue now plays at the correct volume.

Crew Skills
Bug Fixes

Corrected an issue that could cause some gathering nodes to appear as unharvestable.

Flashpoints and Operations

Mandalorian Raiders

Crowd control immunity has been removed from several members of the Enemy Boarding Party.

Colicoid War Game

An issue that prevented some players from mounting turrets in this Flashpoint has been corrected.

The Red Reaper

Darth Ikoral now uses his abilities correctly.

Directive 7

Mentor now resets correctly if he defeats the player group.


Eternity Vault

Fixed an issue that could cause players to instantly die when affected by Soa’s knockback.
Turrets in Normal Mode no longer behave as turrets from Hard Mode.
Players are now able to properly obtain loot from chests.
The Ancient Pylons now spawn enemies at the correct intervals.

Karagga’s Palace

Players no longer need to reset this Operation if they do not defeat Bonethrasher.
Corrected an issue that caused some players to become stuck at the throne room door.

Bug Fixes

All players in a group who have a daily Flashpoint mission now get credit for completing that Flashpoint.

Missions and NPCs


A New Master: Defeating Teeno no longer causes him to surrender on top of Phyne, making him difficult to interact with.
General Faraire: All of Khourlet’s Elite Guards are now accessible by the player.

Bug Fixes

Fixed a mission-related issue that could cause poor performance and client crashes on Taris for some players.


Bug Fixes

Corrected several instances of non-interactive NPCs appearing and disappearing from the player’s view.



Rewards for winning Warzones have been increased.
Warzone completion rewards have been decreased.

Bug Fixes


Corrected an issue that could prevent some players from entering the Voidstar.

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug that could prevent players from accepting pending mission rewards.
Targeting a friendly player no longer occasionally displays incorrect text for the character’s name.
Corrected an issue that could cause some auction expirations to behave incorrectly.
The splash screen no longer displays longer than the “accept changes” dialogue when changing resolutions on some computers.
Master Looter now works correctly for items being looted from chests.
The server select screen no longer displays over the character select after being disconnected for being away.
Corrected an issue that could cause mission mapnotes to disappear when a new mission is obtained.

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

Special characters no longer display incorrectly in the French credits.
Remaining baby names have been added to the credits.
Corrected a link that displayed in French and German versions when the servers are unavailable.

Topic starter Posted : 27/12/2011 1:13 pm
Active Member

Corrected an issue that could cause some gathering nodes to appear as unharvestable.

Mooi, dat irriteerde me 😀

Posted : 27/12/2011 1:37 pm
Illustrious Member



1.0.2 Patch Notes 1/4/2012

•Guilds that are currently leaderless will have an Officer chosen and promoted to Guild Leader.

Classes and Combat

Sith Inquisitor
•The Darth title is now properly granted to Sith Inquisitors.

Bug Fixes
•Corrected an issue that could prevent players from taking cover when targeting large NPCs.
•Fixed a bug that caused some abilities with activation times to be interrupted when used from cover.

Crew Skills

•Removed some high-level harvesting nodes from Tatooine, Corellia, and Ilum.

Flashpoints and Operations


•General Ortol can no longer be pulled out of his room.

Maelstrom Prison
•Corrected an issue that could cause Kilran to behave incorrectly when defeated in cover.

Taral V
•General Edikar now has the correct loot in Hard Mode and no longer enrages in Normal Mode.


Eternity Vault
•Gharj can no longer be pulled out of his encounter room.

Bug Fixes
•Fixed an issue that could cause choosing Nightmare Mode to not set enemies to Nightmare difficulty.


•PvP lockboxes now cost 70 commendations, contain more consumables, and always contain an item.

Bug Fixes
•Corrected several PvP items that were Bind on Equip. They are now Bind on Pickup.
•PvP vendors on Capital Planets now offer the correct PvP items.
•Commendations received via in-game mail are now correctly added to the Currency tab.

Missions and NPCs


•Number One with a Bullet: Players who choose dark side options now correctly receive the mission First Strike after completing this mission.
•First Strike: Players who did not receive this mission will now receive it upon entering their personal starships.

•Death Cloud: Players can now complete the "Toxic Waste" bonus objective regardless of how quickly they complete this mission.

Bug Fixes
•Corrected mission steps on several planets that could cause client instability.
•Fixed issues with some missions that could prevent pending rewards from being accepted.

Space Combat

Bug Fixes
•Fixed an issue that caused a client crash if a space station was destroyed in Space Combat.


•Group members no longer appear on all planets on the Galaxy Map.
•Corrected an issue that could cause map notes to disappear after logging out and back into the game.
•Corrected some map notes that referenced the incorrect map.
•Updated map notes for "travel to planet" steps in class missions on Nar Shaddaa, Hoth, and Belsavis to indicate the planet's space station.

Bug Fixes
•Group members outside of a player's phase are no longer prompted to roll on items.
•The In-Game Customer Service Portal no longer appears to hang while the "updating" message is displayed.
•The Guild interface now properly displays the guild member list when it is sorted.
•The "Show Sith Corruption" option no longer toggles off when transitioning between areas.

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
•Taxi rides are no longer occasionally interrupted, causing the player to be dropped from the taxi.
•Using the /dismiss command now correctly dismisses a vanity pet.
•Corrected some issues that could cause players to become stuck on the loading screen when logging into a character.
•Players can now use emotes while riding a vehicle.
•Fixed a bug that prevented some text-only mail messages from being received.
•Graphics preferences in settings files are now consistent with actual settings in use.
•Being in Do Not Disturb mode no longer prevents characters from being logged out for being away.
•Corrected an issue that caused poor performance on some machines in indoor areas with shadows enabled.
•Fixed an issue that could prevent players from being logged out for inactivity.

Posted : 04/01/2012 2:11 pm
Illustrious Member Admin

Gedver geen Guild features!

Topic starter Posted : 04/01/2012 2:20 pm
Illustrious Member

1.0.2a Patch Notes 1/4/2012

•Fixed an issue that could cause players to crash to desktop after selecting a character.

1.0.2b Patch Notes 1/5/2012

•Fixed an issue that could cause in-game chat channels to stop functioning for some players.

Classes and Combat

Bug Fixes
•Social emotes (like /getdown) can no longer interfere with combat.

Posted : 05/01/2012 12:19 pm
Famed Member

•Fixed an issue that could cause in-game chat channels to stop functioning for some players.

Hier ben ik blij mee.
Gisteren in een groep met Hykaru en Owoliega werkte bij mij de party chat niet meer.

Da's dus geen feest en behoorlijk irritant. Ik kreeg het ook niet gecorrigeerd met regroup, reloggen en CTRL-U zoals gesuggereerd werd als mogelijke oplossing
Hopelijk dat de patch van vanmorgen dit nu wel heeft opgelost.

Posted : 05/01/2012 2:34 pm
Illustrious Member

3e reset in 3 dagen :-

1.0.2c Patch Notes - 1/6/2012

•Fixed an exploit that could allow players to receive more items than intended via in-game mail.
•Resolved an exploit when selling items.

Flashpoints and Operations

Karagga's Palace
•Fixed an issue that prevented players from entering the Operation.

Posted : 06/01/2012 12:43 pm
Famed Member

Begrijpelijk dat ze exploits en kritieke verstoringen direct oplossen met een tussentijdse patch.

Jammer dat ze dat nu 3 keer achter elkaar hebben moeten doen.

Posted : 06/01/2012 2:34 pm
Illustrious Member

die item exploit via ingame mail vanuit market snap ik, maar de rest vind ik niet direct een high priority om daarvoor 3x achter elkaar te patchen..?

The Mandorine

Posted : 06/01/2012 9:45 pm
Illustrious Member

Ik vind dat de pataches een eigen topic moeten krijgen iedere keer, is makkelijker om een patch terug te vinden en discussies te starten over de meeste recente patch(es).

Vandaar, vanaf vandaag post ik ze in een eigen topic! 🙂

Posted : 12/01/2012 1:09 pm