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Weekly Update 07-04-2013

Illustrious Member Admin

(Stable) = Commits are now on Basilisk
(Unstable) = Commits are on TC Nova and are being tested

LordKator (Developer)
(Unstable) [added] isCampingPermittedAt to PlanetManager
(Unstable) [fixed] camps use new isCampingPermittedAt to verify camping is allowed

Elpete (Developer)
(Unstable) [added] Added broadcastPvpBitmask method to TangibleObject
(Unstable) [fixed] PvPBitmask is now sent after being resurrected - Mantis 2734
(Unstable) [fixed] Fixed bug where mayor was not removed as citizen from other city - Mantis 3591
(Unstable) [changed] PlayerObject now removes declared residence when a structure is removed from the ownership list.
(Unstable) [fixed] Fixed issue where citizens would not be removed from militia if
removed as a citizen before a server restart
(Unstable) [fixed] Fixed StructureStatusCommand always using empty target when used by player
(Unstable) [changed] Cleaned up and added a couple fields to GetObjVars command
(Unstable) [added] DatabaseCommand will tell whether or not object is in DB.
(Unstable) [fixed] Seeker and Arayd droids now have correct number of uses - Mantis 3097
(Unstable) [fixed] PayMaintenanceCommand will now use targeted object if selected instead of using the closest structure - Mantis 2778
(Unstable) [fixed] Pushed TA's structure container fix to prevent terminals from being removed from buildings.
(Unstable) [changed] StructureObject now pulls maintenance and power rates from template
(Unstable) [fixed] Commercial structures that were placed before having maintenance rates will now be charged updated maintenance
(Unstable) [fixed] Characters will no longer be deleted from the characters table if there is a problem adding character to the deleted_characters table
(Unstable) [changed] Database command now allows a query on character and deleted_characters table

Bluree (Developer)
(Unstable) [Fixed] Wookieroar can only be used on attackable targets.
(Unstable) [Fixed] Naboo Gungan Temple lootgroups.

Ivojedi (Developer)
(Unstable) [Fixed] Player city shuttleports to show on the planetary map
(Unstable) [Fixed] Typo causing berserk kahmurra to not spawn on Talus
(Unstable) [Fixed] Structure terminal's find lost items option to no longer move vendors to you - mantis 3868
(Unstable) [Fixed] Camping xp bonus amounts from visitors and healing to be based on the camp type rather than a static amount for all camps
(Unstable) [Fixed] Camping xp bonuses are now added on top of the duration based xp (and can take you over the normal duration cap)
(Unstable) [Fixed] Assuming camp ownership to check a player's skill, whether they already have a camp placed, and to send a system message upon success
(Unstable) [Changed] When ownership is assumed in a camp the duration, accrued bonus xp, and visitor list are reset
(Unstable) [Fixed] Recycler's method of checking for full inventory so factory crates are not counted double
(Unstable) [Fixed] Format error causing npc commando skills to not be used
(Unstable) [Fixed] Displayed name on Dantari totems - mantis 3861/3538
(Unstable) [Fixed] AI sometimes standing back up after death - mantis 3291
(Unstable) [Added] ability to set a travel point to outbound only
(Unstable) [Added] Yavin4 imperial outpost starport is now available for outbound travel
(Unstable) [Added] Method to PlanetManager to find the closest world floor
(Unstable) [Fixed] AI in the open world to not always fall to terrain height when moving - mantis 3694, 3837
(Unstable) [Fixed] Player characters to not always be set at terrain height when dismounting - mantis 3521 and 3752
(Unstable) [added] Open world Z coordinate verification

Naikoi (Quality Assurance)
(Unstable) [Added] No build zones for naboo. -Mantis 3516
(Unstable) [added] No build zones for tatooine. -Mantis 3516.

(Unstable) [added] a few lairs to dantooine world spawner
(Unstable) [added] screenplay to populate dathomir sarlacc poi
(Unstable) [added] screenplay to populate naboo imperial vs gungan poi
(Unstable) [added] screenplay for corellia stronghold & moved spawns from the world spawner to the screenplay
(Unstable) [fixed] enemy flag, loot, and weapons/attacks on a few mobs
(Unstable) [Fixed] loot containers in dathomir imperial prison. this should allow any type of lootable container to be used in a screenplay.

Topic starter Posted : 07/04/2013 5:54 pm