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Weekly Update 24-03-2013

Illustrious Member Admin

TheAnswer (Lead Developer)

(unstable) [fixed] overlapping buildings check on place

Elpete (Developer)

(unstable) [fixed] Corrected range turret initiating attacks automatically
(unstable) [fixed] Turrets will now continue to auto fire at targets in


(unstable) [Fixed] SL Rally combatspam.
(unstable) [Fixed] SL Retreat and burst run no longer stack.
(unstable) [Fixed] SL Retreat no longer uses your burst run.
(unstable) [Fixed] Formup & Rally now have a higher chance of landing.
(unstable) [Fixed] Corpse permission error
(unstable) [Added] Spawns to Tusken Fort and Tusken pool
(unstable) [Fixed] Tusken Observer's are now red and hates everyone.
(unstable) [Fixed] DWB Overloads no longer have a chance to drop Binary Liquids &
Protective Coating Liquids.
(unstable) [Fixed] DWB Ghost & Wraths both have a 1% chance to drop both Binary
Liquids & Protective Coating Liquids.
(unstable) [Fixed] DWB lootgroups to equal 100%.
(unstable) [Fixed] Trandoshan Regeneration ability can now only be used by
(unstable) [Added] Wookiee Roar ability.
(unstable) [Added] Missing Droid Reconstruction Kit - B schematic to now be
craftable. Mantis#3796
(unstable) [Fixed] Bugged Lantern Bird model.
(unstable) [Fixed] Snipershot is now considered a combat action and deals 50'ish dmg if the player is alive. mantis: #3779
(unstable) [Added] Missing lootgroups from gerrit. #15
(unstable) [Fixed] Armor repair menu.
(unstable) [Fixed] Change color menu overriding repair radial menu on composite armor.
(unstable) [Renamed] Components/Classes.
(unstable) [Fixed] Error msg being fired when equipping comp/goggles. Mantis#3819
(unstable) [Added] Ability to change color on last set of goggles. Mantis#3825
(unstable) [Fixed] creature missing resource
(unstable) [Fixed] Festering squill missing harvested resources.
(unstable) [Fixed] Quest typo causing creature not to spawn.


(unstable) [Fixed] Typo in dantari village screenplay that prevented the mobs from spawning
(unstable) [Fixed] Calculation of player level while wielding a heavy weapon - mantis 3841
(unstable) [Added] Population to the Kobola Bunker on Rori
(unstable) [Tweaked] weapons and attacks on some Kobola NPCs
(unstable) [Added] Tekil Barje's quests in Wayfar, Tatooine
(unstable) [Added] Throw grenade command, grenades should be fully functional now
(unstable) [Added] Checks for range and los for grenades to CombatManager
(unstable) [Added] Weapon argument to a couple more methods in CombatManager that were missed in rev. 6481
(unstable) [Removed] Some duplicate, unused methods from CombatManager
(unstable) [Added] Missing break in CombatManager
(unstable) [Fixed] Max range on non-crafted grenades
(unstable) [Fixed] Stomach digestion to happen while player is offline - mantis 3529
(unstable) [Fixed] Grenade animations - mantis 3873
(unstable) [Reverted] Extraneous part of grenade animation fix
(unstable) [Removed] Redundant methods from sceneObject
(unstable) [Added] Functionality to heavy weapons
(unstable) [Fixed] Many themepark/task mission targets having empty or incorrect
spatial chat. Fixes mantis #'s 3430, 3517, 3801, 3802, and 3848
(unstable) [Added] Return waypoint to mission giver functionality to themepark
(unstable) [Added] Ability for themepark logic to use waypoint names and
desriptions from task's string file where present
(unstable) [Added] Object type and template for resource recycle tools
(unstable) [Added] methods and members to ResourceManager, ResourceTree,
ResourceTreeEntry, and ResourceSpawner to support recycled resources
(unstable) [Added] Functionality to resource recycle tools
(unstable) [Added] Schematics for resource recyclers, agitator motors, and tumble


(unstable) [added] medical rating to a tavern
(unstable) [added] Screenplay to populate ancient krayt dragon skeleton poi
(unstable) [fixed] spawn locations for smc poi (mantis 0003803)
(unstable) [fixed] no build zones for singing mountain clan poi
(unstable) [added] screenplay to populate yavin4 imperial base
(unstable) [added] recruiter status to high ranking imperial and rebel officers
(unstable) [added] screenplay to populate lok imperial outpost
(unstable) [added] Screenplay to populate downed blood razor transport poi on Lok
(unstable) [added] Screenplay to populate Rori imperial encampment
(unstable) [fixed] mantis 0003683 melee power ups able to have min as a secondary
stat and added action cost as a primary stat.
(unstable) [Added] Screenplay to populate canyon corsairs stronghold poi
(unstable) [fixed] mantis 0002878 corrected cellid on several npc's so they stop
(unstable) [added] screenplay for non named mobs at jabba's palace


(unstable) [Fixed] Fynock Youth Lair mob typo
(unstable) [Fixed] Warcry breaking from non-damaging attacks - Mantis 3678


(unstable) [updated] Removed Force Choke ability from NPC pool until it can be
refactored correctly.
(unstable) [fixed] Being incapacitated from a force choke saying your name in the
system message
(unstable) [updated] Lowered Force Choke's damage to more appropriate values.


(unstable) [Fixed] some creature names and appearances
(unstable) [Fixed] Super Battle Droids and probots can shoot
(unstable) [Fixed] Outfits for Mat Rags and Tekil Barje
(unstable) [Fixed] Shipwright experimentation decreases mass and power consumption
(unstable) [Fixed] some weapon ranges
(unstable) [Changed] Rori, Lok, Talus have city screenplays
(unstable) [Deleted] Useless droid weapon groups

Topic starter Posted : 25/03/2013 4:31 pm