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Battlestar Galactica *SPOILERS* topic

Illustrious Member

Graag zou ik mensen waarschuwen over deze topic.

Gezien ik graag wil bespreken wat er allemaal gebeurd en gebeurd is in Battlestar Galatica, is deze topic voor mensen die alles gezien hebben en op de hoogte zijn tot en met de laatste aflevering.

Deze topic staat dus ook aangeschreven met *SPOILERS* als waarschuwing. Betreden op eigen risico dus!

Ga nu weg hier en lees niet verder als je niet up to date bent met de allerlaatste aflevering van BG! Dit houdt in de laatste die te downloaden valt, Nederland loopt behoorlijk achter met de serie.

Topic starter Posted : 16/06/2008 12:28 pm
Illustrious Member Admin

Ja goed idee !!!!

Episode 10 was echt vet zeker dat stuk dat de 4 cylons zich over moesten geven!!!  😮 :o.

Kan nu echt spannend worden nu ze op aarde zijn en op zoek gaan naar de 13e stam en wie is de 5 cylon !??

Posted : 16/06/2008 12:39 pm
Illustrious Member

De 5e cylon, dat ben ik natuurlijk 🙂

Hehe, ik vond zeker episode 10 erg spannend, het ontdekken van de 4 cylons in de Galactica en het slopende gedeelte met dreigementen aan elkaar (cylon vs galactica). Om uiteindelijk samen naar Earth te gaan.

Zeer spannend, en erg benieuwd naar episode 11 🙂

Topic starter Posted : 16/06/2008 12:56 pm
Illustrious Member Admin

Ben er benieuwd wat er met die 13e tribe is gebeurd want aarde zag er niet zo lekker uit  :-[

Posted : 16/06/2008 1:06 pm
Illustrious Member

Misschien iets met de oude cylons, die daar de boel hebben genuked ofzo, geen idee

Topic starter Posted : 16/06/2008 6:09 pm
Illustrious Member


Battlestar Galactica - The Final Five

Battlestar Galactica's season 3 finale revealed four of the final five Cylon models, leading to rampant speculation as to who the fifth and final Cylon would be. Given I'm somewhat of a Galactica nut, I thought I'd wade into the raging debate and throw down my own thoughts on the subject.

Warning #1: spoilers be ahead. If you haven't yet seen the season 3 finale, and don't want to know which characters are revealed as Cylons, stop reading here.

Warning #2: this is almost certainly going to get geeky. If you're not a fan of Galactica, or haven't the slightest idea what I'm talking about, it's probably best to turn back now.

Journal Feed
11 of the 12There are 12 Cylon models. Seven of them we have known about for some time: Number Six (Caprica), Number Eight (Sharon/Boomer), Number Three (D'anna Biers), Number Five (Aaron Doral), Leoben, Simon and Cavil.

A season 3 revelation was that these so-called substantial seven do not know who the final five models are, other than Number Three who was put into storage immediately after discovering their identity. Quite why the substantial seven don't know the identity of the final five is something we can expect to be revealed in season 4.

The final episode of season 3 (Crossroads Part 2) reveals Saul Tigh, Chief Tyrol, Samuel Anders and Tory Foster to be four of the final five Cylons. The final slot looks certain to be filled by a major character - Ronald D. Moore has said as much, and the story deserves nothing less than a huge shock - but which of the likely suspects it will turn out to be is far from clear.

One of the biggest clues comes from Number Three who exclaims You... forgive me... I had no idea when gazing upon the face of the last of the final five. Many have speculated this Cylon was Saul Tigh, and the apology was for popping his eye out during captivity. I'm not so sure: as far as the audience has seen, Number Three has not interacted with Tigh a great deal, so it's a bit of stretch to presume seeing Tigh would cause her reaction. Mainly, though, I'd like to believe the writers wouldn't waste (so to speak) Number Three's surprise on Tigh.

Discounting Tigh, and the others revealed as Cylons, leaves us with a handful of characters to take the place of the final Cylon.

The Obvious Candidates:

Gaius Baltar

Baltar has always been under suspicion, mainly down to his waking visions of Number Six. The only other character who shares similar waking visions is a Cylon (Caprica Six and her Baltar). This has yet to be explained.

Furthermore, various sub-plots throughout the story refer to Baltar and his destiny - more so than with any other character. According to both his Number Six and the Cylon Baseship hybrid, Baltar is the chosen one.

Finally, Baltar is the only major character to have openly questioned whether or not he is a Cylon. He has resolved that he is not a Cylon, but that of course does not eliminate him. Indeed, if I were one of the writers, that's how I'd try and shift suspicion away from Baltar.

Likelihood of Baltar being the final Cylon: *

Kara Thrace (Starbuck)

Starbuck and her destiny has been a running theme throughout the series. The Leoben model certainly seems to think she's special, although quite in what manner he believes her to be special has never been explained.

The most telling aspect of Starbuck's destiny are the patterns she painted (as far back as childhood) that match markings seen in holy books, along with an ancient structure supposedly built by the 13th tribe.

Starbuck disappeared towards the end of season 3, only to reappear at the end of the last episode. She claims to have been to Earth and says she will show the fleet how to get there.

Neither Starbuck's disappearance, nor her prophetic doodles, are damning evidence of her being a Cylon. But what precisely happened to Starbuck, and what her role in the bigger picture is, will be a revelation in one way or another.

Likelihood of Starbuck being the final Cylon:

Laura Roslin

Roslin has always had visions of one sort or another, and while they were put down to her dabbling with hallucinogenic drugs, the coincidences continue to mount up. Notably she once had a vision of 12 serpents on her podium during a speech, which happens to tie in with 12 models of Cylon.

More recently Roslin has been sharing dreams with Cylons Caprica Six and Sharon, in which she is trying to protect the half-human half-Cylon child, Hera.

Having said that, Laura Roslin is the only of the three obvious candidates we can be sure was on Galactica at the same time the other four of the final five heard the music that drew them together. If she isn't a Cylon, quite why she did not hear the music will need explaining.

Likelihood of Roslin being the final Cylon: ****

Remaining Major Players

William Adama

Admiral Adama is probably the least spiritual of the potential suspects - he certainly has not experienced the same kind of mystical visions or experiences that Baltar, Roslin or Starbuck endure. Bill Adama also has well a documented history, going back at least as far as Tigh's 40 years. While that is no barrier to being the final Cylon, Adama does have a son, Lee, which will take some juggling to get around.

Previously, Adama was identified as a Cylon by one of the Leoben models, however we've since learned that Leoben wouldn't have known Adama was one of the final five.

In spite of fewer obvious clues to his being a Cylon, Adama is the man at the top, and that in itself is enough to cast suspicion upon him.

Likelihood of Adama being the final Cylon: **

Lee Adama (Apollo)

As with his father, should Apollo be the final Cylon the family connection will need explaining. Apollo is also lacking in the visions department compared to other suspects, though he has experienced one or two.

Apollo is the character I think I would be most surprised to see revealed as the final Cylon. Even so, Lee Adama is a major character and as such can't be ruled out.

Likelihood of Apollo being the final Cylon: **

Rank Outsiders
People have speculated that Dualla or Gaeta could be the final Cylon, but I don't see it happening for either character. Neither seems likely to have caused Number Three's startled reaction when witnessing the last of the final five, but more pertinently neither seems big enough to fill the boots of being the final Cylon.

Looking elsewhere we've got both Helo and Cally apparently out of the equation, due to contributing the human half of their respective hybrid offspring - Helo with Sharon, and Cally with Tyrol.

Likelihood the final Cylon is not Baltar, Starbuck, Roslin, Adama or Apollo:

The Final Cylon?So who's my money on? I'd like to see Baltar revealed as the final Cylon, but I doubt Gaius will make the grade. If I had to pick a character I'd go with Roslin. Starbuck and Adama are a bit too obvious (if there can be such a thing) and I can't imagine the remaining characters (Apollo included) providing enough of a shock to be the final Cylon.

But what the hell do I know? I'm probably way off base on all counts, and I sincerely hope I am. Galactica's writers have pulled some twists and turns over the past 3 seasons and I fully expect that to continue in season 4.

So say we all.

Topic starter Posted : 16/06/2008 8:43 pm
Illustrious Member Admin

Ik denk dat het character is waar van je denkt: WTF HIJ? of ZIJ !!!

en niet de 5 die hier boven staan.

Posted : 16/06/2008 10:16 pm
Illustrious Member Admin

Er is een theorie opgedoken dat het niet aarde is waar ze nu zijn:

maar de planet Terra.

Terra is a planet wracked by war caused by two large alliance coalitions, one referred to as the Eastern Alliance, the other the Western Coalition. The planet was similar to the descriptions of Earth in Colonial legends leading some to believe that Terra was in fact Earth, however the beings from the "Ship of Light" confirmed that Terra is not Earth. It does appears that the planet was settled by a splinter group of the thirteenth tribe. The Terrans use earth like measurements (such as hours and minutes) rather than Colonial measurements of centons and centars. The Terrans (the people of Terra) also use Earthling names as compared to Colonial names. "Terra" means "Earth" in Latin.

Posted : 17/06/2008 2:32 am
Illustrious Member


Topic starter Posted : 17/06/2008 10:20 am
Reputable Member


Posted : 17/06/2008 3:09 pm