Hearts of Iron ® IV, the long-awaited World War II grand strategy war game is now available for pre-order at the Paradox Store! Three editions are available, some including bonuses for eager conquerors.
The “Standard” Cadet Edition includes the Hearts of Iron IV base game along with a new icon for the Paradox Forums and new wallpaper art. For those wishing to explore more of the world, the Colonel Edition also includes an extra icon and Tank Packs.
For the full Hearts of Iron IV experience, the Field Marshal Edition includes all of the above, along with exclusive avatars and an Expansion Pass that will grant access to upcoming unannounced expansion content.
Pre-ordering any edition of Hearts of Iron IV comes with exclusive rewards:
And everyone who buys
Hearts of Iron IV, whether in pre-order or later, will get the Poland: United and Ready Focus Pack DLC included for free.
Click the big bold button below to get your copy! Pre-order it now and you’ll get your key on your Paradox Account on the day of release June 6!