De developers van de SWG Emulator – SWG Legends hebben niet stil gezeten en komen met de “Tokens of Gratification” 🙂

It’s Finally Friday!
This week we are taking a closer look at a new token currency recently
added to the game called the Token of Gratification. We’ve already
started distributing them at some live events and we are eager to
explain more about them.
We want in-game events to feel engaging, fun & reward player
participation. We like to think of the SWG:Legends team and the
community as being super active at hosting in-game events. So many of
you do host events of your own and it is appreciated!
Typically in the past we have given rewards at server events which you
guys seem to enjoy but sometimes we had feedback mainly from Trivia
types of events where players were unable to answer or formulate the
correct answer quickly enough which prevented them from ever winning an
Arcade Machine or Guise of Ice. That’s all about to change..
What is a Token of Gratification?
The Token of Gratification is a new in-game event currency which you can
save and exchange for a range of rewards. (This includes a few TCG
items, Legends custom made items, and unused items within the game. New items may appear in the future!)

A Token Of Gratification (Above)
How many tokens are event staff going to be issuing per event?
1 OR 2 tokens will be issued per event. (Please note that some events
may reward a certain amount of players, instead of everyone in
attendance. Example: Princess Leia at the Life Day Grotto selects 3
players to receive 1 token each)
– Currently the tokens are NO-TRADE but this will be changing to NO-TRADE SHARED in a future hotfix.
– Tokens issued at an event will be issued to 1 character per account only. (No need to bring multiple characters to an event, you won’t benefit from it anymore.)
Where can I exchange my Tokens of Gratification?
You can visit Kiepaas, the (Events Reward Vendor) at Vreni Island Salon
on Corellia. He is standing directly outside of the salon (near the
cantina) awaiting your presence.

What Rewards can I exchange my tokens for?
Here’s a little tease below. We aren’t going to spoil it completely now!

We hope you enjoyed reading this Friday Feature. Be sure to save up those tokens before redeeming them!
May the force be with you,
SWG:Legends Staff