Datum: 27/11/2016
Tijd: 20:30 - 23:00
Om de Epic Questen te kunnen vervolgen gaan we eerst Evedim Quest gebied doen om op juiste level te kunnen komen voor Book 4.
Evendim is a region located between the Shire and the northern Forochel, and west of The North Downs. A vast region dominated by the majestic lake from which it gets its name, Lake Evendim is also known as Nenuial which is Sindarin for “Lake of Twilight”. Here the dwindling numbers of Dúnedain have struggled long years to honour their heritage.
Little is said about Evendim but Elendil came here no earlier than Second Age 3320 and founded the northern Kingdom of Arnor, while his two sons founded Gondor in the south. Ten High Kings ruled out of Annúminas, the shining jewel on the southern shore of Nenuial. However, Amlaith never became the eleventh King but removed to Fornost and Arnor was split in three.
The ancient abandoned city of Annúminas — the former capital of the Kingdom of Arnor – is well known amongst the Free Peoples. For according to the legends, amidst its ruins lay great wealth and powerful artefacts now threatened by evil creatures and the nefarious forces lurking in Angmar. The Wardens of Annúminas have set up a smaller camp within the ruins and a large camp at Tinnudir, trying to press back the Enemy and secure the tombs of old.
Level: 30 – 40
Main settlement: Tinnudir — Vault, Class Trainers, craft faire
Faction: The Wardens of Annúminas
Introduced: June 2007
Quest Pack: Quest Pack:Evendim or Quest Pack:Eriador Bundle
Book 4 – Epic Quests
Volume I, Book 4: Chasing Shadows
- [37] Foreword: The Troubles of Rivendell
- [37] Chapter 1: Where is the Horse and the Rider?
- [38] Chapter 2: The Missing Rider – Fellowship or Solo-only
- [38] Chapter 3: The Wisdom of Lord Glorfindel
- [38] Chapter 4: Regaining the Trail
- [39] Chapter 5: Hiding in the Dark – Fellowship or Solo-only
- [39] Chapter 6: The Knowledge of the Onodrim
- [40] Chapter 7: The Aid of Mirkwood
- [40] Chapter 8: The Unmarked Trail – Fellowship or Solo-only
- [40] Instance: The Unmarked Trail – Fellowship or Solo-only
- [40] Chapter 9: Hasten Their Departure
- Lantern