Op 12 januari 2021 posted ik het volgende artikel “[Teaser] “How you doin’, ya old pirate? So good to see ya!” en dit was een Teaser over wat ging komen en dat moment is daar. In 2011 besloot SOE te stoppen metde MMORPG – Starwars Galaxies – An Empire Divided, dit was mede veroorzaakt door de komst van Bioware’s MMORPG Starwars – The Old Republic.
De Solar Trade Alliance heeft haar oorsprong te danken aan deze MMORPG van SOE en 17 jaar later zijn we uitgegroeid tot een echt vriendengroep.
Na het stoppen van Starwars Galaxies door SOE is het het door diverse groepen via reversed engineering toch beschikbaar gebleven voor een grote schare fans en 1 van de groep is de groep achter SWGLegends. Deze groep heeft het voor elkaar gekregen om de totale game zoals in 2011 beschikbaar te stellen voor de fans. De Server van SWGLegends is op basis van de NGE update inclusief de expansions: Rage of the Wookies en The Trails of Obiwan. Wat SWGLegends echt bijzonder maakt is dat zij als enigste de expansion – Jump to Lightspeed (space element) beschikbaar hebben.
Maar hier stopt het niet mee na vele updates en extra content verder lanceert SWGLegends vandaag een echte Expansion !
The City in the Clouds Expansion
“I saw… I saw a city in the clouds.”
―Luke Skywalker

Welcome Legends,
At last.. After so many years, we’re going to the clouds! As you can imagine (or hope you can imagine), it’s a very big day for not just us here on the Legends team, but it’s just as big a day for all of you in the community having finally reached this moment, and of all days, on May the Fourth! Legends, we can’t put into enough words the pride and joy to finally be here sharing this experience with all of you.
The City in the Clouds expansion is the culmination of THREE AND A HALF YEARS of strenuous work across our (past and present) Development team, Design team, and also endured rigorous testing from our Quality Assurance team, so we want to thank them for their many long hours in helping us reach this point. Also throughout this journey we’ve seen many of our Project Contributors shine as Bespin little by little came to life with stunning decorating work and top level sound design, quality promotional stills, and video to help showcase this amazing endeavor. We send a truly heartfelt thanks to our Project Contributors for their efforts in taking Bespin to the next level.
Last, but certainly not least, we sincerely appreciate everyone in this community for the continued support over these years and all the kind words you’ve shared recently as we’ve finally been able to reveal much of this work to you in trailers and many screenshots and written works. Your patience has been crucial throughout this entire process and we certainly hope you enjoy this brand new addition to the galaxy for a long time to come.
The City in the Clouds Overview
In this City in the Clouds Overview, we want to do our best with breaking down a little bit of what our goals are in ensuring as much of a quality experience as possible here in the opening days of Bespin and navigating some of the tricky waters with a development rollout of this magnitude in the coming days and possibly weeks that MANY of our community members will be anxious to take part in. We also want to make sure that you know where and HOW to get started when it comes to the Bespin Questline (without going into any major detail on the storyline itself).

Some of these crucial points you will read here such as AFK use on Bespin and the Game Zone Management methods we’re employing may only be temporary with the sole purpose of simply keeping things truly active and moving here in the early stages as we get through the growing pains first towards making Cloud City a true community hub in the galaxy.
Please (pretty please with camby berries on top!)READ over the following sections of this thread listed below not only to help provide yourself with the need to know details, but so you can share it with your friends or guild mates and be a huge help to us in keeping your fellow community members informed:
- Welcome to Bespin – ( City in the Clouds video trailers; SWG:Legends Social Media platforms )
- The City in the Clouds – Expansion Update ( Development patch notes )
- Your Chapter Gift – ( Login reward )
- Travel to Bespin / The Bespin Questline ( Quick breakdown of the how and where for the Bespin Questline )
- Game Zone Management ( Breakdown of our methods to mitigate the player volume on Cloud City in the early stages of release)
- AFK use on Bespin ( A brief look at the AFK rules as they will apply to Bespin and temporary restrictions in the early stages of release )
- The Support Center ( Reminder to please make use of the Support Center if you need help or need to report bugs )
- We’ll see you in the clouds!
Welcome to Bespin:
Glad you made it? Yeah us too! As previously stated, the work on Bespin has taken YEARS, but here we are finally!
Explore the iconic locations across Cloud City (along with the many instanced areas within), meet many new and familiar faces, and truly immerse yourself in this brand new chapter here on SWG:Legends with an all new space zone, many returning items you may recognize from the TCG and much more completely new and exclusive new armor, wearables, and decor created by our incredible Design Team. With a true Cloud City cache of loot for you to get out there and acquire, the sky is the limit on Bespin.
Check out some more of what’s awaiting in the Bespin Features trailer below:
(Don’t forget to like and subscribe!) You can follow any of our other social media platforms here.
The City in the Clouds – Expansion Update:
If you want to know what’s new from Development, follow this link to the Expansion Update patch notes.
Your Chapter Gift:
For a limited time, when you log into the game after our City in the Clouds release, you will receive a painting of the Baron Administrator himself, Lando Calrissian as a welcome to this new exciting update! This painting CAN BE TRADED and is rewarded to ALL characters on your account. We hope you enjoy!

Travel to Bespin / The Bespin Questline:

One major topic we wanted to briefly touch upon and help give you all a nudge in the right direction for is STARTING THE BESPIN QUESTLINE. We will go over those details below:
- ALL players can freely travel to Bespin, even without beginning the Bespin Questline.
– - You MUST have previously completed the Hoth Heroic instance to start the Bespin Questline.
– - If you HAVE completed Hoth, you may speak to your respective faction NPC in the Adventurer’s Guild Hall in Aurilia (Ask about the Battle of Hoth).
– - This story takes place in the timeline AFTER the battle of Echo Base.
– - Enjoy your adventures through the clouds.
If you have completed Hoth, you may speak to your respective NPC here to start the Bespin Questline.
We can’t share much right now, but we certainly hope this helps point you to the starting line so you can begin this new exciting journey!
Game Zone Management:

We want to make sure everyone is aware of the steps we are taking to help prevent server / performance issues during the early parts of this huge rollout, so it’s worth mentioning these details we hope all of you can take the time to read so you can better prepare yourselves and plan accordingly.
This is a massive update and it’s one that we obviously all want to hurry and take part in. We will be monitoring the server closely, but we want to share the following information regarding Cloud City itself:
- Due to the anticipated high volume of players traveling to Bespin, we have added in temporary game zone management that can help limit the players in the area without causing high area activity and prevent server crashes from the volume of people.
– - if you try to travel to Bespin while it’s at its limit for players, the server will not let you travel there. You will have to try again in a few minutes to try and go there if the zone hasn’t reached its limit.
– - This temporary game zone management only applies to the surface level of Cloud City.
– - It DOES NOT include players that are within the many instanced areas within Bespin, so players within the instanced areas will free up space within the surface level of Cloud City.
– - Players in the instanced “dungeon” areas WILL be able to leave those areas and return to the surface level of Cloud City regardless of the player capacity.
– - Just to further reiterate – As people go through the Bespin questline, more openings will be available for players to come in to the surface level.
– - This system IS TEMPORARY to ensure server stability and allow players to enjoy Bespin with minimal interruptions as possible.
– - We want to make sure everyone is able to get into Bespin to participate!
We’ll see you in the clouds
Het is een hele prestatie om met een handje fans een echte expansie te maken. Ik ben benieuwd geworden hoe ze dit gemaakt hebben dus ik ga binnenkort naar de City in Clouds.
Ik ben eens wezen kijken in SWG en ze hebben het leuk gemaakt, het is echt wel een expansion met Questlines en al.
Het grappig is wel dat je pas de Bespin Questline mag doen als je de Heroic – Battle of Hoth gedaan hebt – dus qua timeline zit het wel snor :).
Ik heb een klein filmpje gemaakt over de tutorial questline – The Espace to Tansarii Point Station met een nieuwe character.
Zit nog te denken om een soort kleine serie te maken over SWG Galaxies met Lanntern Reseirf – Officer Class en zijn avonturen puur voor de fun en misschien helpt het meer views te krijgen op Youtube.
Ondertussen aangesloten bij Vortex Squadron – Moenia – Naboo.
Echt nog hooked aan SWG … heeft niet meer alleen met nostalgie te maken.
Hooked ? Neuh maar ik vind het leuk om te spelen er is veel bij gekomen plus dat er nog steeds content voor gemaakt wordt zoals een expansion en the jedi theme park en dat wil ik wel eens zien met een nieuw character Het is kneitertje druk op Legends en dat geeft wel een leuke sfeer.
Even als sidenote ik speel SWG nu met de ILM3.0 mod – mod met betere textures en shaders en dat is echt een huge verschil in grafische details. Met name de shaders waren altijd een probleem in Galaxies.
De besturing blijft een dingetje maar hé het is starwars :).
Ziet er mooi uit!
Ja het is een stuk verbetert – even wat carrière maken en de nieuwe content bekijken